The following are some of the most common warning signs of financial difficulties:
Do you feel stressed out or are you losing sleep wondering how you are going to make the next payment?
Are you only able to make minimum payments on your credit cards each month?
Do the current month’s bills come in before you can pay last month’s bills?
Do you get letters threatening legal action or have your wages been garnisheed?
Is your financial situation affecting your health, job or marriage?
Do you constantly receive past due notices or have collection agents been calling?
Do you continually exceed your spending limit or use your credit cards to make ends meet?
Do you wonder how to stop a garnishee from Canada Revenue Agency or how to stop collection actions from student loans?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above signs, you may wish to consider the options available to help you take control of your financial situation. Call the offices of Cameron Okolita Inc. today for a free, no obligation consultation on your available options.
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